What would happen to the insures if a private insurance company withdraw business from india or got bankrupt?

What would happen to the insures if a private insurance company withdraw business from india or got bankrupt?

if any case happnes in india like AIG, United States


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes:INSUREQUOTE.US





Question about State Health Insurance and marriage in Connecticut?

I am 20 years old and 10 weeks pregnant with my fiance's child. The only reason we didn't get married a while ago is because of health insurance. He's covered on his father's plan until he's 26 IF he doesn't marry. Well, now that I'm pregnant, I was told if we aren't married, the state will come after him for child support- not to mention that I want to marry him, anyway. We've been engaged for a year and a half. I have state insurance, and everything with the pregnancy is covered, but what happens if we get married? He'll lose his insurance. Is there a state insurance plan for the entire family in CT? A plan that he can be covered on once we are married?



Does anyone know where to get cheap car insurance (Ontario,Canada)?

My husband and I just bought a car today and we have not applied for our insurance yet we are planning on applying tomorrow(if there not open) then Monday. Does anyone know of a good insurance company we just had a baby 2 months ago so we are really trying to save money if anyone knows a good place would you please let us know. Thank you very much.



HELP with car insurance for 17 year old?

I am trying to find cheap car insurance for a 17 year old :/ its proving hard and cheapest quote so far is 3500 with my mother as named driver. does anyone know any companys that specialise in young drivers insurance or ways to reduce it?



No Insurance. Car damaged. Should I call the insurance company?

OK This is really hurting me because some jerk hit my car in the parking lot ( I don't know when) and when wake up in the morning and see my car it is damaged. My problem is I don't have insurance to the car and my car registration has expired too. (I rarely use my car because I have a work truck). I dont know what to do. Should I call the cops? or just forget about it for now and get the insurance upto date and call the insurance people after some days. Please help.



I need car insurance!!!!?

Is there any cheap car insurance providers that are really cheap for a teenager???



2005 Ford Mustang Convertible V6 Premium insurance rate?

Hi. I am thinking about getting a 2005 Ford Mustang Convertible V6 Premium [Black] I am a 16 about to turn 17 year old girl and I have taken drivers ed. && I live in florida, about how much do you think that it would be



Car insurance for 19 year old on a classic mini?

I am about to buy a classic mini mayfair 998cc car but I cant fins a decent quote. Cheapest is 2700 with Acorn insurance. Other companies have quoted around 4k and even upto 6k. Its just stupid. Anyway, Im turning 19 in february 19th so will be buying then but looks like I need to gold dig if its like this for insurance. Anyone one of you clever clogs know any companies who will take me on ? Tried: Adrian Flux, Elephant, Admiral, Acorn, and a few others. IKUBE says ring back next month as they dont have tariffs in place yet O_o lol! Ive tried googling this and have found no help. Preferably classic insurance for 19 year olds. Thank a bunch..



How much does it cost to insure a 2008+ kawasaki ninja 250?

im thinking of getting one to use to ride back and fourth to work on to save wear and tear on my car. the 250cc ninja's are pretty cheep and i dont go on the hwy so thats not an issue. im only 18 and have a clean record. How much do you pay for in insurance?



What personal information can be revealed by a car insurance card?

Friend asked me for a copy of my car insurance card, said he needed it for something but didn't tell me what.



I hit a fence with my car will my insurance rates go up if I make a calim?

The other day I was driving my 2000 honda accord and out of no place came a deer that ran out in the street from the woods.I turned my wheel hard to the right not to hit the deer and I hit a woodin fence at an abandoned house.My car is dented up pretty bad .I have full coverage I know the car is 12 years old but it was in excelllent shape before this.if I file a claim will my insurince rates go up?



Car insurance decreases, when? 26 yrs old?

I started driving when I was 22 years old, and never had an accident. Right now, I'm 26. I pay $116/month for insurance, which I think is kinda high. The vehicle I drive is a 2006 Hyundai Eantra. Car insurance is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/



Will a stolen recovered car affect the insurance and vehicle value?

I'm looking to purchase a car that is stated stolen/recovered NOT cat C or cat D What does this mean? Will it affect the insurance price? Can I get insurance if I'm 17?



Why are my insurance quotes so high?

I am trying to get car insurance and all the quotes I'm getting are about 100 dollars a month. I'm in highschool and any of my friends get theirs for like 60 a month. I have a perfect driving history and still it's too high.



Do you think i would be able to pay the insurance?

so here is the situation...My mom, my brother and i are all living together right now but my mom has an altima and me and my brother are sharing an 05 dodge dakota. Soon my mom is going to be buying a car for her, my brother is getting the altima, and i am getting the dakota. Her plan was for me was to use the truck all the way through college and until i get a good job and buy my own car. However i do not like this truck at all and would rather sell it and get a car. The car i want is is an 08 Acura tl type s. She just laughed and said good luck paying for the insurance. I am willing to do a lot of work to get this car (including preparing the truck for sale and actually selling it) and working to pay for the insurance. As soon as she gets this new car i plan on applying everywhere, pretty much all of the restaurants in my area. I will be 18 by the time i come anywhere close to getting this car. Do you think being a busboy at a restaurant will be sufficient to pay for the gas and insurance for the car i said above. Ive never gotten a ticket or been in an accident before. Also i live in florida if this makes a difference.



When do health insurance premiums drop?

what is the average amount of time it takes before health insurance premiums start to drop? (so they say) - i have had my insurance for ten months now.



Does anybody know of a cheap insurance company for eighteen year olds?

I just turned eighteen and I'm looking for car insurance since what I'm paying right now is really high ( 290 for minimum) Everywhere else I look wants like 1000 dollars a month for minimum coverage thats crazy how can anyone afford that? Are there any good companies in specific for someone in my position?



Can anyone suggest a cheap car insurance company?

I have used all the comparison sites, so please dont suggest them. If anyone knows of any other company for cheap car insurance please advise.



Question about Plan First health insurance in Michigan. Backpay?

I just had a papsmear done about two weeks ago, and I didn't get approved for my Plan First insurance until afterwards. Does anyone know if they provide a backpay program, like they'll cover any procedure done in the last 30-60 days? Also have lab tests from that papsmear that I just got the bill for and have not paid yet. Is that covered? Thanks!



Trying to buy Car insurance on my own, but i don't know how much to buy?

I'm getting an online quote and i'm buying a car for 2500. the page displays a bunch of coverage that would be paid in the even that it was my fault, but i don't know anything about deductables. Would anyone be able to tell me how much money for each coverage is good. and if i should get a deductable. thanks so much



I want to take a trip to europe how much do motorcycles cost there and how much is insurance?

Im thinking of going to the EU, as kind of like a backpacking trip, but on a motorcycle! I was wondering how things work in regards to prices of Bikes there, and insurance that covers anywhere I might plan to go! I need some help making this idea a reality! Oh I'm 18 and i have both my drivers licence and motorcycles licence, I reside in BC, Canada. Thanks!



Does having a nissan 350z as your first car and a new driver added gonna make the insurance go up?

their are 3 drivers in my family and the insurance is like 200 i think would the bill go way up if a new driver is driving a 350z?



Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?

Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?



Which Insurance company is best for Whole Life Insurance ?

I have search only 2 big compnay Metlife and New York Life. I am 24 years old and want that whole life insurance for my life. So i want to know which compnay i need to choose for whole life insurance.... Metlife or New York Life ? I have quote from metlife Insurance...Agent told me my premium payment gonna be $3510.00 per anuual for $500,000.00 ( insurance amount). and i am 24 yeras old it has cash value too.. So i need some information from ur side...should i take it or ?



What are the cheapest car insurance companies in florida?

I live in geneva, but not too far from orlando. Could you give me a list of insurance companies to call? I had a 3 month suspicion for 18 points within 18 months. I called API express, they were who I had before and they were pretty cheap...I called them yesterday and they said since I had 20 points on my license, my down payment would be $551, and 6 payments of $416. They said they could only find one insurance company that would insure me...



Pregnant and losing insurance?

I recently got laid off and don't want to use COBRA because of the high cost. I am only 31 so I don't think I can apply for Medical or Medicaid. I also know that I cannot get new insurance because I am already pregnant. Does anyone know how to get State-Funded insurance or at least assistance from the state? I live in California.


What would happen to the insures if a private insurance company withdraw business from india or got bankrupt?

if any case happnes in india like AIG, United States


Do I have to have car insurance in wis?

I have a car that is old, ( a VW Fox to be exact) and i was wondering if i need to have car insurance for it? i use the car for nothing more than to drive to work and back, because of the amazing gas milage, but i was woundering if im going to get into trouble if im ever pulled over and dont have insurance. I live in WIS so keep that in mind. Any help would be welcome. thx ahead of time.



Car Insurance question reguarding the color of the car?

I wanted to know if buying a red or black car will make you car insurance go up? or will it make it higher? Im looking in to buying a red car and lots of people are tell me that if i buy a red car that my insurance will go up. Is this true? like what it the percentage of this? Can some one explain this theory to me?



Looking for good medical insurance?

I know blue cross/blue shield is good, but, what other insurance is out there? I need to insure myself, my son, and my fiance. I need to find some fairly cheap insurance as well. Know of any? And also, dental.



Will a citation for rolling through a stop sign raise my insurance?

I live in PA and just got my first ticket. I was driving in my neighborhood and was in a rush and I just rolled through a stop sign. I know it was wrong and stupid of me but I didn't think much of it. I am a teen driver and my insurance is high as it is, will this foolish mistake raise my insurance?



I need insurance for my motorcycle thats cheap?

I need insurance for my motorcycle thats cheap?



Cheap full coverage car insurance for an 18 year old?

Ok i got my license on 10/29/2012 and I am just now getting a car. I bought a 2000 Honda Accord EX Coupe for 4800 and I am getting it financed over a 36 month loan period time. So with that being said the credit union requires me to have full coverage auto insurance so I want to know where is the cheapest place for a teenager to get insurance. I turned 18 back in August. The lowest i have seen so far is 193/6mos and that is with StateFarm



Multi Car discount on car insurance ?

Can any insurance agents out there please tell me - roughly what % discount on the total policy premium would I get if I qualified for the mulit-car discount on my car insurance policy? I am with State Farm if that matters at all. I am currently at $400 every 6 months for my pickup truck & am wondering if we add another car in our household onto the SF car insurance, how much would I save on the $400 every 6 month truck premium? Thanks very much.



Someone crashed into me will their insurance pay for my car?

So I was going down a main street when this guy passed the stop sign. We made a police report and he took the blame but the cop wanted to blame it on me. Now the other car has insurance but it wasn't the guys car. Will their insurance still pay for mine. Some one please answer quick.



Who's the best company for young car insurance?

I know the kind of car to get for cheap insurance but i'm still looking at around 3000 for insurance, i was just wondering if there is any companies out there people my age can actually afford.



Is the life insurance valid?

My partner and I have lived together 15 years. His wife refuses to sign divorce papers, even though they broke up 17 years ago. He has a life insurance policy for her to receive benefits on his death. He got a life insurance policy for me to receive benefits on his death. Someone said I can't get a life insurance policy payment without the wife signing off on it. Is that true?



Which company have cheapest auto insurance?

Which is cheapest auto insurance



Do you pay a fine if you dont have health insurance in the U.S.?

and in california? i heard that you have to have health insurance or you will have to pay a fee/ fine or something is that true? it doesnt make sense because people who dont have health insurance cant afford it but now there's medicare and obamacare so does that mean you are forced to have health insurance?



Car insurance: Progressive vs. State Farm?

I'm currently with Progressive and have been very pleased with their service: I was in an accident in August and the entire process was very smooth and took little effort on my part. I worked with one local agent, dropped my car off at the Progressive repair center where they had my rental waiting for me, and returned the rental there when I came to pick my car up. Plus I never have to wait long to talk to someone when I call. However, I'm newly married and have found we would save a considerable amount by moving my two cars to my husbands policy with State Farm as opposed to moving his car to my policy with Progressive. Please let me know what type of experiences you've had with State Farm and if you would consider their service as excellent as I have with Progressive. Even if State Farm is cheaper, it won't be worth the savings if their service is crummy. Thanks!



Car Insurance..if i go out of state, but my parents pay for the car insurance and i live in another state...?

What i meant to say was..if i have a car, it is in my parent's name, and i move out of state, is it possible to still be covered by the insurance even if it isnt from the state it is being payed for in? or do i have to get insurance and the car changed to my name in another state? i hope someone understads. thank you for you time in reading this :) 10 points to the best answers! or lets say Correct answer!



E&O insurance?

Any suggestions on where or from what company I can buy affordable E&O insurance? I'm in GA with a soon-to-be life and health license.



My family has health insurance but, no dental where can we go to get low cost dental insurance?

My family has health insurance but, no dental where can we go to get low cost dental insurance?



How much would car insurance typically cost for a first time driver with a used car?

I'm almost 18 and will hopefully be driving soon and I was wondering how much I would pay for car insurance for a used car? I'm not looking for a normal teen car, I'm looking more for a very child friendly safe vehicle for me and my son. Generally what am I looking at price wise either per/month or yearly for insurance?



Pregnant and no health insurance, what can i do?

Im 6 weeks pregnant and i dont have health insurance. I have a full time job and my husband does also but I cant get health insurance through either company. I know we make too much money for medi-cal but what other insurance company can i contact in California?



How much would auto insurance be per month for a young married couple (25 year olds)...?

...no wrecks, no moving violations, great credit... we have 2 cars (1 new that we're still paying for and 1 old that's paid off). I know I can get an online quote, but ...show more



Answers to life insurance test?

answers to life insurance & applications test



Will my gf's car be taken away if I don't have any car insurance but I have my driver's lisence?

I am a young adult and I recently obtained my Driver's License last year on the day before Thanksgiving. After that, I have been driving my gf's car and was wondering what ...show more



Do i need motorcycle insurance to get my tags?

I have my first motorcycle, a green 2002 kawasaki ninja 250, green of course. I am working on getting insurance but its going to take about 5 more days. Can i get my tags without insurance?



What is the price range for small business insurance packages?

I have a question for my personal finance class that asks: Search the internet and name your sources for a small business insurance package. Identify basic areas of risk that they cover. How much would such a package cost? I've found the basic areas of risk covered, however i can't find price ranges anywhere and all the offices are closed when i call, except for one that said they can't do it over the phone...



How much would insurance be for a road/offroad dirtbike?

I'm looking into buying a honda CRF 230 that has headlights, breaklights etc.. everything it needs to be road legal. I'm wanting it because I ride alot of trails that you need to get on the road for so long to get on the next trail and I'd figure id license it so I dont have to worry about outrunning the cops but if the insurance would be high, I'd just forget it so whats the cheapest you can get insurance for that and by the way I'm 19 and have my motorcycle permit.



I'm buying my first used car when I turn 18 next month. How much am I going to pay for insurance by myself?

I just want to know how much money I will have to pay each month for car insurance. The used car is about $5,000.


What would happen to the insures if a private insurance company withdraw business from india or got bankrupt?

if any case happnes in india like AIG, United States


Insurance On A Supra For 17 Year Old?

How much would insurance be for a 17 year old in (Kingston, Ontario) Canada for a 93-94 turbo or non turbo Toyota Supra be? ALSO : If its under my dads insurance would it be cheaper for me to pay ?



Who has the cheapest car insurance in maryland?

Who has the cheapest car insurance in maryland?



Is van business insurance expensive?

My van is insured at the minute but as an electrician will i require business insurance and willit be much more



Would my car insurance cancel my policy?

Would they cancel my car insurance if I got into an accident and I'm in fault? I have full coverage and collision. I recently got into a car accident and I'm scared that they will cancel my policy.



Can you cancel car insurance?

Right, I'm getting a car this weekend, I haven't passed my test yet but hopefully will be passed in the next 1 - 2 months, therefore the insurance I'm taking out at the moment is for a provisional driver. The insurance that I'm taking out lasts for a year but obviously I will need to change it when I have passed, so that insurance will rise in price. But I was wondering if once I have passed can I cancel that insurance and change to an insurance that looks at young drivers because at the minute the young driver insurance places won't quote me coz I'm still learning. Sooo, to sum up... can I change my insurance company after only 2 months with them? Any help welcome. :)



Which cars are the cheapest insurance wise? (england)?

I wanna get a car as soon as i'm 18, so i obviously want something which will have cheap insurance. Nothing embarrasing mind.



Car insurance need help?

is not having car insurance in michigan illegal? what are the penalties for getting caught without insurance? is it a good idea to not have insurance? with geico insurance, about how much would we have to pay for car insurance if we have 3 cars and live in upper michigan. there is a no-fault policy here how much would a used, old, small ford car cost in upper michigan?



Will my car insurance increase?

I received a ticket for failure to obey street sign, because I went down a closed road. I was wondering will my insurance rates go up because of this? This is my first ticket and have been driving for about 6 years. If I go to traffic school, will it stop the rate from going up? From what I have read online, some people said it does effect and some say no. I have Allstate and live in CA. Any info is much appreciated.



What are some reasons why someone would need permanent life insurance?

I dealt with over 150 clients in my career and haven't found a single reason why someone would need permanent life insurance. All my clients have term insurance b/c I don't see why anyone would need life insurance forever. I believe someone needs life insurance at the time when they need it most, which is when they have little savings and lots of debt to pay (such as a mortgage). While I protect the client's income with term life insurance, I also help them save money for retirement by opening IRAs and/or variable annuities or tax-exempt mutual funds. For kid's education, I use either a 529 Plan, Coverdell, or UGMA. For estate planning, I setup trust funds.



How much does it cost on average to insure your license?

through any insurance company. :) I just want to know how much on average.



How much is motorcycle insurance in nc?

i'm thinking about getting a motorcycle and i wanna see how much cheaper it is than getting a car and how much it would help



Car insurance for a beginner driver?

how much do you guys reckon it will cost a total new driver (17, male) to insuare either: mark 2 golf mark 2 golf gti any VW corrado thanks



Affordable Health Insurance for a single mom with one child?

Can anyone provide me with some information about getting an affordable health insurance plan for a single mother with a small child (2 and a half y.o.)? My wife and I are getting divorced. It is an uncontested divorce and we just need to figure out the support payment amount. This is the last variable. Also is there any way to keep them both under my plan at work after we are divorced? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!



Gastric Bypass and Insurance?

Who should I try and contact first? a surgeon or my insurance company?



M2 and G1 car insurance?

As I noticed in drivertest.ca site that if you a holder of M2 you can drive G class vehicle under the condition of getting G1. So that means M2+G1 == G2 in one way (I mean G2 won't equal M2 + G1) So anyone have an idea how much insurance I have to pay for getting a car (i know a lot of details here but consider cheap car and no experience at all)? This info about M2 + G1 = G2 is from here: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/gradu/index.shtml Note: Class M2 and Class M licence holders may also drive Class G vehicles under the conditions that apply to a Class G1 licence holder. Thanks in advance



Will like to know what car insurance company is the most affordable?

whats the most affordable car insurance out there? any one know's ?



How much is car insurance on average for a 17 year old driver?

I'm 17, and having to pay my own car insurance every month. How much is that going to cost me each month? I have Farmer's insurance.



Teen Insurance for a subaru wrx?

how much will insurance roughly come out to for a 2004 subaru wrx (turbocharged) and I am 17?



I am a first time driver with a pass plus..aged 24. any tips for getting cheapest insurance on second hand car?

please consider the engine size, car model make etc



Renting a car for the first time- do I have to buy insurance bc my personal car insurance is not in my name?

My car and car insurance are under my fiancees name. I will be renting a car on my own. Do I have to buy the insurance because it's not in my name?



How is being required to buy health insurance any different than being forced to buy car insurance?

I know people are saying it's unconstitutional for the government to make us buy health insurance, but states already force you to buy car insurance. Wouldn't that be unconstitutional, too? I'm not trying to be a Smart Alec or anything. I seriously want to know the logic behind how people feel.



How do I find out my cars auto insurance points rating system?

Insurance companys give cars a rating number to determine if one type of car pays more insurance then the other. Where can I find out what the number of my car would be?



How can i insure my car for 1?

just read somewhere on this site that you can insure a car for 1 surely this is a load of uncle tom cobbler? would be very impressed if someone can answer this question... seeing as my car is only worth 500 why should i be expected to pay almost that in insurance? it would get written off any way should i ever claim. cos being an olde banger insurance cost for parts and availability not as easy and quick to get.



Car accident without insurance but not at fault?

car accident without insurance but not at fault car parked in driveway and other car swerved into drive way and hit my car can I sue them , there was a witness, and a police ...show more



How much roughly will my car insurance go up if I make a claim to have it resprayed due to vandalism?

How much roughly will my car insurance go up if I make a claim to have it resprayed due to vandalism?


What would happen to the insures if a private insurance company withdraw business from india or got bankrupt?

if any case happnes in india like AIG, United States


Mr vice president my name is michael and i am in indiana. how can i afford health insurance michael?

i tried finding insurance but i can't even afford it. what can i do



Can I take out car insurance in my fathers name to save money?

My father is buying me a car and he is going to take out a loan for the car. Therefore he is paying the car loan. I am going to pay the insurance but a 19 year old with insurance on a 2009 car is going to be expensive! How can I get the insurance under his name yet when I drive this car (out of the city because I will be living in Columbus at school and my dad lives in Cincinnati) and get in an accident, still be covered? Or is there no such animal?



How much is motorcycle insurance?

I'm only 14 right now but when I hit 16 i'm planning on buying a motorcycle. Planning on buying a Kawasaki Ninja 300r 2013 around my birthday and I remembered a rough factor. How much would insurance be for a 16 year old on a sport bike like that? Don't refer me to a Quote site just a rough estimate I live in Illionois



Can you pay for Car Insurance in monthly instalments by direct debit using someone else's card?

I want to take out car insurance in my name but I do not have a debit card, can I use my mother's account to pay in monthly installments? All the insurance companies I have tried so far will only take a payment for the full amount and will not spread the payments by direct debit if the card is not in my name. Can anyone please help as I only have a post office account and am unemployed receiving benefits so cannot afford to pay the lump sum and have been turned down for a bank account as I have a poor credit rating.



Do you have health insurance?

if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deductable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance?



I am 18 yrs. old and i want a mustang '05 how much from your exp. how much did you pay for car insurance?

If you have a mustang and are a teen under your own insurance



How much is average insurance for a motorcycle, preferably in Texas.?

I am female and over 25 yrs. of age.



In regards to life insurance policies?

When a person is the primary beneficiary & the deceased left debt, does the money for the unpaid debt come out first or is the beneficiary responsible for paying the debt?



Why are big company's going to drop health insurance and just pay the government a fee to save money?

obama said we would be able to the same insurance. did obama lie to us?



Car insurance in the u.k??

is ridiculous i am a young male who has had his license 4 10 days and havent drove a car due to the fact that robbing insurance companies are trying to charge me over 2000 for third party fire an theft on a car that isnt even 1000cc in fact its 950 cc does any one no of any insurance companies that DO ACTUALLY SAVE U MONEY thank you



How much should a 17 year old's car insurance cost in the UK?

i'm 17 and want to drive. i'm a full time college student, which probably doesn't make any difference? right now i'm looking at a 2001 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.6 engine, LS 5dr [AC] Hatchback, which is costing around 999 how much should i expect the insurance to cost for this car? or for a car similar? it will be my first car. Thanks.



Temporary Car Insurance on my Mums car?

Hi, Is it possible to get temporary car insurance on my mums car, even for just a day or two on her current policy, or is it even possible to get temporary comprehensive cover with another car insurance company on her car while she is still on her own policy? Thanks, Boss1996



Would owning a Honda Civic coupe increase my car insurance rates?

I'm 18 & planning to switch to a Honda Civic soon. I'm meaning to get a coupe, but I heard that my insurance rate would go sky-high just because it's a coupe. Is this true? & if so, by how much? Thanks.



What are the Best site for Comparing AUTO INSURANCE Quotes Online?

can anybody please shade some lite of reasonable car insurance quotes comparison sites?



How much does it cost to start an insurance office in california?

I'm looking into starting a new insurance office within the next couple of years. As of now, I'm getting the basic, but I need to know what I need to prepare myself for? Can somebody help me?



Allstate insurance?

does allstate have medical insurance



What does average insurance premium mean?

What does average insurance premium mean?



How much would it cost to get added to someones insurance policy...?

I need to prove that I have insurance to get my license reinstated. My grandma said I can use her car, but I'm not covered. She has liability insurance for her car. How much would it cost me (18 year old male, inexperienced driver) to get added to her policy. It is a small, older 4 door car. Any idea about how much it would be extra a month for me to be added? Also, would she be able to take me off of the policy whenever she wanted without any kind of fee (like if I tried to get taken off in a month, would they say that she has to pay for 6 months...). Thanks!



I got into a fender bender, will my insurance be contacted?

Long story short, the light turned red, the car infront of me short-stopped, I did as well with about 6-8 inches to spare with the car in front, and i got rear-ended in the back causing my momentum to hit the car on the front. the car in front of me and behind me had no damage, while my front bumper has scuffs and the license plate is hanging off. the lady in front was in such a rush, she just left since she said her car was fine and left before i could get a name or her license plate, and the lady behind me claims she never even hit me and was planning to leave, until i forced her to stay by threatening that i'd call the police. She refused to exchange information with me. the police came, and wrote a report, but he was giving me a lot of attitude saying that her car suffered no damage, though my rear license plate was bent. he claimed, whether or not she hit you before or after you hit the front car, i find it hard to believe that her hitting you caused that much damage to your front bumper . I got a generic report on a piece of paper and he told me to pick up the report tomorrow. I'm pretty sure she's not going to file a claim, most likely because she can't speak english. i honestly don't want to deal with filing a report and i'm planning on just buying a new front bumper and installing it myself, but my question is, is my insurance company going to be contacted and will my rates rise? I've never been in an accident before so I don't know how this works. My insurance company is HighPoint and I live in New Jersey.



Car insurance for 18 yr old male RIDICULOUS?

I'm 18 and male, so turns out car insurance companies think its okay to rape my wallet. I've been looking at a few quotes on different sites and they come up in the $300-$400 range. I tweak a few things, telling the generator that I'm a 30 year old married woman and then it magically drops to $70 per month. This is crazy, I'm an extremely careful driver, I never drive over the speed limit and I constantly check my mirrors. How the hell do young males afford it?



What is the best maternity health insurance in Georgia??

I have insurance through my company, in which I pay half.. My deductible is $2500.00 till January then changes to $2000.00... Im already paying my Doctor $900.00 for a Pre-Delivery fee which will come out of my deductible. Then after that is met I will pay 20% of everthing else... Any advice will be great...



Dont have Health insurance question?

what happens if someone is severly sick and dont have health insurance.Will the ambulance still take them to the hospital and if so will he or she be treated even though they dont have insurance..



Single girl needs answer about car damage and insurance vs. out of pocket?

I was driving my father's car on a narrow, snowy city street and clipped (knocked off, really) the mirror on a parked car (a Nissan). I left my name and number and the owner ...show more



Are custom orthotics covered by health insurance?

I heard getting a pair is expensive but i need them for running uninjured



Is it true that I will have to buy health insurance or pay a fine?

I thought the whole purpose of the Affordable Care Act was to make healthcare available to everyone. Now I am being told that I have to buy it.


What would happen to the insures if a private insurance company withdraw business from india or got bankrupt?

if any case happnes in india like AIG, United States
